Tourdates Update |
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Tourdates Update |
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Concertreview added: Cologne-Brauweiler / Germany - including picture-gallery |
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New Interview in German and English language |
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Tourdates Update |
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Mainpage actualized |
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information on upcoming concert in Cologne added |
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information on "Hot Press" poll updated |
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information on the "Barrysticker" added |
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Interview with Barry Mc Cabe in the Italian magazine "Keltika" added |
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information on the "Hot Press" poll added |
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mainpage actualized |
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Concertreview added - Wespelaar/Belgium 08/22/04 |
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concertdates actualized |
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concertdates added |
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concertdates actualized |
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new concertdates added |
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Information and tourdates "Tour of Holland" added |
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new CD-artwork uploaded (section "official releases") |
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information on upcoming gig added |
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concertreview and picture-section added (Hannover, Bluesgarage 11/21/03) |
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concertreview added: Montreau, France, 07/13/03 |
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concertreview added: Oosterhout, Holland, 3 September 2003 |
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Concertreviews added: |
Cerdanyola, Spain, 10/04/03 |
Zundert, Holland09/07/2003 |
Reus, Spain, 06/20/03 |
Barcelona, Spain, 06/19/03 |
Barcelona, Spain, 06/17/03 |
new layout (mainpage) |
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new host. No more advertising and popups in the future |
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Link to my Rory Gallagher Tributepage added |
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Bootsy´s review of "Absoluteley Live! Vol. 2" added |
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some actually gigdates on mainpage added |
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CD Review "Absolutely Live! Vol. 2", English translation added |
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Concertreview Freudenburg/Germany 03/29/03 added |
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CD Review "Asolutely Live! Vol. 2" added (Home of Rock) |
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Absolutely live! Vol. 2 released!! |
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mainpage: concertdate in Telfs/Austria added |
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mainpage: concertdate in Hohenstein/Germay added |
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mainpage: Information about the new CD "Absolutely live! Vol. 2" added |
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official releases: new section created: "Absolutely live! Vol. 2" |
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BMC-concertreviews/Passau, Germany added |
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section "about me" added |
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upcoming concertreviews added |
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section "cd reviews" overworked |
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section "cd reviews" new CD - reviews added (Bluesnews magazine Nr. 32, in German language and the english translation) |
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section "equipement" completed |
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section "equipement": Willie Murphy´s equipement added, new outfit of the section created |
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new section "BMC-concertreviews" added |
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new section "BMC-concertreviews/Menen, Belgium 19 Sept 02" added |
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"BMC-concertreviews/Menen, Belgium 19 Sept 02/ my report" added |
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"BMC-concertreviews/Menen, Belgium 19 Sept 02/Bobtje´s review added (english language) |
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"BMC-concertreviews/Menen, Belgium 19 Sept 02/pictures" (life on stage) added, sections: |
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-"Barry McCabe" |
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-"Francis McIlduff" |
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-"Harry Knight" |
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-"Eric Wells" |
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-"Willy Murphy" |
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-"The Emigrant" |
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-"The BMC Band" |
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"BMC-concertreviews/Menen, Belgium 19 Sept 02/Thanks (Bobtjeblues)" added |
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section official releases/The Peace Within: some tracks added whose can be heard with "Real Player" now |
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section official releases/Absoluteley live! Vol. 1: some tracks added whose can be hear with "Real Player" now |
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Section "CD-reviews" new created and sorted |
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CD reviews/The Peace Within: Bobtje´s CD-review added (english language) |
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Timeline (this section) added |
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section "links": some new links added |
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