Oosterhout, Holland, 3 September 2003 |
written by Dorien Schlief
We (my husband and I) went to Oosterhout to see the gig and here is the |
full report. |
I was a bit in a sad mood at the beginning of last weekend, and not sure |
if we should go to Oosterhout - which would mean a journey of three |
hours. But I had a very willing chauffeur: my husband. So we decided |
to go anyway, and I'm so happy we went. It was worth every second of it. |
We arrived in Oosterhout around half past ten and bands were playing all |
over the centre of Oosterhout (I counted 10 different places on a |
programme list). The band called Superfloor, which was playing in the |
tent, had won the Arrow Classic Rock Award. They did a gig on that |
festival, but we missed it then. So we listened for a while and then |
went looking for Café Oud Brabant - the pub were Barry would play his |
piece of Rock and Blues. |
When we arrived, it wasn't very crowded and a band called 'Johnny's |
Rattle Shakin' Bluesband' were doing their final song. We installed |
ourselves and looked around. Talking to a few people I got the feeling |
that most of them knew Barry already. It's a small world after all. |
The pub got more and more crowded and then the musicians came on stage. |
They were introduced and then the bass player took over and introduced |
their special guest (RAPPAPAM-RAPPAPAM): Barry McCabe. The show got |
started. I don't know the titles of the songs in row, but it started |
rocking. A couple next to us said: This isn't blues? Later on that |
evening the same couple were still around and enjoying themselves very |
well. So I thought: Do not judge something before knowing the whole |
story. At first the crowed were just listening but later on they started |
moving their feet. |
The "Band" (with which Barry did this gig), called Red Eye Gravy, played |
Full Moon On Main St., Fine, fine, fine, 634-5789 and Some kind of |
Wonderful and many more, and Barry did one on his own: Adam & Eve. |
Isn't that a beautiful song!!!! By the way, the Red Eye Gravy band is a |
band specially formed for this Blues Festival in Oosterhout and the only |
steady member is the bass player, Bart Kamp. |
I thought it was a very nice gig and I enjoyed myself enormously -and |
I'm very glad that I got the change to have a little talk with Barry. He |
was a bit surprised to see a Backstage member this evening, I believe. |
I have lost my voice almost completely, because of too little sleep and |
a busy weekend, but inhaled lots of positive energy (and the good mood |
is back, so smile!!) because of going to this gig. Thanks Barry!! |
Hope to see you again soon and for everybody else: have a nice day. |
Bye, bye, Dorien |